Our firm is not only driven to serve our clients to the best of our ability, but we are also dedicated to helping others do the same.

We have chosen to partner with organizations which focus on providing resources and education to underprivileged communities so that they are able to support themselves. These organizations work to empower women and men by providing resources to benefit and care for themselves and their communities rather than making them dependent on financial support provided by others. They focus on ownership of one’s own abilities instead of reliance on anyone else’s.

Below, find out more about the organizations with which we partner:

Liamuiga Education Foundation

The Liamuiga Education Foundation was organized exclusively as a charitable foundation on January 23rd 2013. This organization is designed to improve the educational opportunities for underprivileged individuals in the community. The focus will be on providing scholarships for deserving individuals to get a chance at higher education.

“Children are our most valuable resource (Herbert Hoover).” We firmly believe that the youth in St. Kitts and Nevis are our most cherished asset. Our 98% literacy rate allows us with confidence to extend resources towards the furthering of the younger generation. We believe that these underprivileged individuals would be successful if they are given the opportunity to advance their learning. We are also confident that the skills they will gather from abroad will prove useful in our economy to further advance our growing nation.





VillageWorx is a Christian philanthropic organization providing a path out of poverty for families in Zimbabwe. Giving aid can temporarily alleviate the symptoms of poverty, but providing a path out of poverty treats the causes and leads to lasting life change. By taking a comprehensive approach that includes clean water, agriculture, business development, orphan care and disease prevention, the families of Zimbabwe can not only become self-sufficient, but have a hope for a better future.




Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours

Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours, led by Dr. John DeLancey, offers biblically-solid tours of Israel with a focus on deepening participants’ understanding of the Bible within the context of the land. The ministry provides personalized experiences of the Holy Land, going beyond standard tours to offer in-depth encounters with authentic biblical sites.




ALS Association

ALS Association is the only national nonprofit organization fighting ALS on every front. By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure.




Camp Peniel

Camp Peniel has been building up kids, families, and generations for over 70 years. Whether we’re on our nearly 400 acres of gorgeous Texas Hill Country, at one of our adventure day camps located around Austin, or leading a trip into the wilderness, one thing stays the same: our mission is to bring people face-to-face with God through Christ-centered adventures.



(p) 512.370.2750 / (f) 512.370.2751 / info@emalegal.com